Ayer quotes

Alfred Jules Ayer quotes, quotations, aphorisms, ideas and thoughts about his philosophy explained in a very squashed article. The principles of logic and mathematics are true simply because we never allow them …

The power of English

The power of English, the diffusion around the world of the English American language during the past centuries and the technological contemporary epoch. Adaptability is not imitation. It means power of resistance …

English language idioms

English language idioms, the importance, evolution and linguistic meaning of this fundamental aspect of the American English language for every learners. We often read and hear the phrase “language is a living …

Black American English

Black American English, an article that explains the evolution, some characteristics and classifications of African American English Vernacular or Black English No matter how much you love Nigeria, you can’t help the …

The essence of grammar

The essence of grammar, an article written by a famous scholar explaining the importance, the main aspects and the difficulties of the fundamental structure of any language. Like everything metaphysical the harmony …

Chinese language evolution

Chinese language evolution, a short article that explains the characteristics of this ancient language, dialects, grammar, phonetics, linguistic and cultural habits Chinese language tends to be quick, economical. To know what people …