Aphorisms and quotes about the mother
Quotes and aphorisms about the mother, ideas and thoughts by different and famous authors on the mom and the great importance of her presence in everyone’s life. Mother’s Day in most European …
Quotes and aphorisms about the mother, ideas and thoughts by different and famous authors on the mom and the great importance of her presence in everyone’s life. Mother’s Day in most European …
The Christmas Tree, an article that explains its legend, origin and tradition, with some enlightening merry quotes to enrich the great value of the Christmas period. Snowflakes felt so awesome in winter …
Daimon origin and meanings, character and destiny, the history of etymology and evolution of the concept, from the ancient Greece of Socrates and Plato to Hillman’s psychology and Brown’s methodology. “… We …
Memory great quotes, aphorisms, ideas, quotations, thoughts and opinions about memory, memories, remembrances, recolletions and the art of enjoying nice past events. Yes, if a memory, thanks to forgetfulness, has been unable …
Happiness great quotes, aphorisms, quotations, thoughts, ideas and opinions on happiness, a post that starts the quest for the Holy Grail from many points of view. Don’t educate your children to be …
Life, truth and wisdom, a collection of quotes and short thoughts on the meaning of the real essence of life, or better about the real sense and goal we can create. Life …
War and peace quotes, aphorisms, ideas and thoughts about the dramatic difference between the effects of war and the desire of human kind for peace and love. DA Datta, DA Dayadhvam, DA …
Rules, life and literature, ideas, quotations, aphorisms and opinions about the wise rules to move on well in life, dealing with all the different situations of the human existence. Humans arose, rather, …
Self-knowledge quotes, some great aphorisms and thoughts about self-knowledge, the foundation of true knowledge, and a great help to real happiness and success. Self-knowledge is a term used in psychology to describe …
Self-realization best quotes, to complete the post on self-actualization best quotes, aphorisms, ideas, and advice to really understand these important concepts Self-realization or also self-actualization is an expression used in Western psychology, …
12 Things I Learned About Life From Daytrading Millions Of Dollars. Advices about trading and life by James Altucher James Altucher was the managing director of Formula Capital, an asset management firm …
Very short stories in English with a great and deep moral and existential meaning and value. The Foolish Donkey A salt seller used to carry the salt bag on his donkey to …