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Petition for Andros’ genial art.

Petition for Andros’ genial art.

Andros Art Petition and Cause
Andros Art Petition and Cause

Petition for Andros genial art. To expose some work of arts of this great sculptor and artist at the Vatican Museums.

This is an invitation to sign the petition and support the cause for the exhibition in one of the main rooms of the Vatican Museums of some extraordinary works of the brilliant sculptor and eclectic artist, Andros, listed below:

God bless you. (Dio ti benedica).
Polyurethane and Clothes – 44x68x16″ – 11 Lb. – 2002
Poliuretano e Vestiti – 110x170x40 – 5 Kg. – 2002

Freud’s Stoup. (L’Acquasantiera di Freud.)
Polyandros, polyurethane and holy water – 20x36x8? – 13,2 lb. – 2008
Colori a olio su Polyandros, poliuretano e acqua santa – 50x90x20 cm. – 6 chili – 2008

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. (Il Padre, il Figlio e lo Spirito Santo.)
Polyurethane, epoxy resin and polyandros – 48x34x18? – 2014
Poliuretano, resina epossidica e polyandros – 120x85x45 – 2014

N.B. Originally it was possible to view the works in question by visiting the official site of Andros, unfortunately after his premature death, the site has not been renewed, so all that remains is to get the book of all his works, and try to find them there. The title of the text is – Andros. Opera omnia. Sculpture. Color Edition – available on Amazon.

This was the site of the cause I was surrealistically and provocatively proposing, now of course it no longer exists.

This holy phantasmagoric trilogy should be exhibited permanently in one of the main halls of the Vatican Museums, because it is an ideal set of monuments dedicated to the art itself, which actually consists of an innumerable works, more or less monstrous, inspired from life and religion, the real universal deities of stupidity, and his most honorable critics that in the end are nothing more than long course pimps.

The support, we are asking to the gentle public in order to try to achieve this spiritual mission, will also be of great help to understand how in fact the artistic genius can be welcomed not only by the great experts of the subject, but also by ordinary citizens forced to fight day by day not to earn a place in heaven, but more simply a minimum of dignity, intellectual and physical goods.

I conclude my peroration stressing that only by following the highways of free and conceptually significant creation, Italy will finally stand up again and impose itself to the world as a guiding light of the toilsome human wandering.

I am also convinced that this initiative will be carefully evaluated and hopefully well received by various independent thinkers, many artists and art critics, the director of the Vatican Museums, the various ecclesiastical and episcopal crews and primarily by our beloved Pope Francis.

Yours faithfully

Carl William Brown and the Daimon Club Organization

To find out more about Andros you can read the following posts:

Andros art theory

A spring funeral

In memoria di Andros

Citazioni di Andros

Aforismi di Andros

Andros nei Musei Vaticani

Last but not least, if you want to find out more about his art, his adventures and his writings, follow these links: