Quotes on war
Quotes on war, aphorisms, quotations, ideas, and famous sentences by great authors and writers about the stupidity of every war and the cruelty of armies and soldiers. Iustum est bellum, quibus necessarium. …
Quotes on war, aphorisms, quotations, ideas, and famous sentences by great authors and writers about the stupidity of every war and the cruelty of armies and soldiers. Iustum est bellum, quibus necessarium. …
Arms and warfare quotes, ideas, quotations, thoughts and short reflections on the tragedy of wars, arms, weapons, military warfare, soldiers and the cruelty of our race. O Lord our God, help us …
Call me Putrid, a fundraising, ethic, linguistic and advertising campaign to suggest and promote the changing of the name of the actual Russian president. This world might certainly improve if only we …
The power of English, the diffusion around the world of the English American language during the past centuries and the technological contemporary epoch. Adaptability is not imitation. It means power of resistance …
Shaka Zulu and his mother, the King of the Zulu tribe and the moving story of the death of his mother, thanks to the courage of a minor chieftain named Gala. My …
Scotland history and future, an article to discover some curiosities of the Scottish history with its characters and some news on its possible future in Europe. The moment you doubt whether you …
The majority of pacifists either belong to obscure religious sects or are simply humanitarians who object to taking life and prefer not to follow their thoughts beyond that point. But there is …
Martial Arts and Ninjutsu Philosophy. Loyalty, trust and courage. The art of learning not to succumb to intimidation, whether in the form of fears, threats or violence. The art of Ninjutsu simply …
Stultorum infinitus est numerus. Some quotes and aphorisms about stupidity, with links to other posts of quotes and articles about stupidity and power. A great number of people talk too much, but …
Criminal News in the world, some quotes, data and information about the rising criminal acts in the world with links to the main sources of international news. There is no such thing …
The true science of martial arts means practicing them in such a way that they will be useful at any time, and to teach them in such a way that they will …
I guess the most surprising discovery was how long Gandhi remained loyal to the ideal of the British Empire, even in India. Arthur L. Herman Remember that politics, colonialism, imperialism and war …