John Florio quotes
John Florio quotes, proverbs and aphorisms. If this done it may please you, as I wish it may, and I hope it shall, I with you shall be pleased. Though not, yet …
John Florio quotes, proverbs and aphorisms. If this done it may please you, as I wish it may, and I hope it shall, I with you shall be pleased. Though not, yet …
William Shakespeare’s Reputation, great quotes and opinions by famous writers and authors from Aforismi Geniali edited by Carl William Brown in Italian and English. The most beautiful thing we can experience is …
Wise quotes from the Ancients, the best quotations and aphorisms from the old great Greek, Roman and oriental philosophers and thinkers who formed our culture. Educating the mind without educating the heart …
100 wonderful quotes and aphorisms by famous and great authors and writers to help improving your ideas and thoughts, to inspire and motivate your behavior. Why is every silence sacred? Because the …
Thoughts and reflections on books by great authors, meditations, ideas and literary observations about books, the art of writing novels, poetry and essays. Properly, we should read for power. Man reading should …
Giordano Bruno Quotes. In tristitia hilaris, in hilaritate tristis. Giordano Bruno To know how to die in one century, is to live for all centuries to come. Giordano Bruno Quid est quod …
Carl William Brown Quotations (Part 1), various quotes, ideas, opinions, thoughts, aphorisms and wits, by Carl William Brown, the Daimon Club literary avenger, founder of the Daimonology new didactic philosophy. If you …
100 admirable quotes and aphorisms by famous and great authors and writers to help improving your ideas and thoughts, to inspire and motivate your behavior, to foster your critical abilities. The only …
Freud on humor and jokes, a text about humor and jokes starting from the works by Sigmund Freud and continuing with quotes and thoughts by Mikes, Brown and Cooper. Last but not …
Tommy Cooper Jericho joke, plus a short biography of this great and famous comedian with some of his best humorous jokes and puns, then there is some historic news about Jericho walls. …
William Shakespeare and John Florio. The life of Shakespeare is a fine mystery, and I tremble every day lest something should turn up. Charles Dickens, 1847. Shakespeare is – let us put …
Christianization of Britain. The influence of Christian missionaries and priests in England has been significant for the development of the English language. The arrival of Christianity in England brought with it a …