Guy Fawkes story
Guy Fawkes story and the Gunpowder plot, an easy article for students of English that explains the origin of the story with its celebrations and customs. A desperate disease requires a dangerous …
Guy Fawkes story and the Gunpowder plot, an easy article for students of English that explains the origin of the story with its celebrations and customs. A desperate disease requires a dangerous …
Daimon Club strategy, a short article that presents our cultural mission, links to our organization and our global marketing Strategy, goals and projects. A good partnership must be useful and profitable not …
Why is education so important for living a good and useful life, an article with some quotes, links and resources to stress the fundamental role of learning in our societies. Education is …
Halloween thoughts and poems, quotes and aphorisms by the World of English, that is blog and Carl William Brown Halloween for the year 2024 is celebrated/observed on Thursday, October 31st. What …
Halloween death poems, dead spirits and departed souls with the passed away essence of our ancestors existing around the living by the World of English that is Halloween for the year …
Halloween great quotes and aphorisms, 50 famous and amazing ideas for your pleasure by the World of English or blog Halloween for the year 2024 is celebrated/observed on Thursday, October 31st …
Quotes on publicity by Carl William Brown, aphorisms, ideas, thoughts and short witty criticisms about advertising and its devastating role in the media business. Every age has its own crazy laws that …
Wise reflections on publicity, ideas, thoughts and critical opinions about the world of advertising and publicity in general both on TV and on Internet networks and new platforms. The consumer’s desires are …
Best quotes on publicity and advertising, aphorisms, ideas and wise thoughts by great and famous writers, artists, authors, actors, journalists and witty people. Only a few can freely enrich themselves on the …
100 awesome great quotes, a collection of great aphorisms by famous authors to stimulate your thoughts, ideas, reflections and ways of dealing with reality. Vulgus (Mundus o Populus) vult decipi, ergo decipiatur. …
Spot on the map of London, an English Club Tv educational program that takes you to unique and interesting places around London while helping you to improve your English. In this article …
A short history of pop music, from blues, soul, gospel and jazz music, through rock, hip hop, funky and disco to modern commercial, and rap music. And now that is summer time …