100 excellent quotes

100 excellent quotes and aphorisms by great and famous authors to inspire your thoughts, give new life to your ideas and stimulate your critical thinking skills. Power is not a means, it …

The teachings of Plato

The teachings of Plato, originality of his works, myths, methods, ideas, forms, thoughts, education, ethics, morals and art of his great everlasting philosophy. To do philosophy correctly consists in not choosing the …

Web software guide

Web software guide, a complete collection of links to the most useful software online, both old, new and future, with many AI applications and tools for every purpose, use, enjoyment and work. …

Video reels quotes

Video reels quotes, a post where you can find video reels of various character also created with AI reciting various quotes and aphorisms by Carl William Brown Very often there is nothing …

Aphorisms on art

Aphorisms on art, quotes, ideas, short thoughts and opinions on the art in general, its meaning for our life and for the ethic and aesthetic values it conveys. There is the falsely …