Trading lovers

Trading lovers, amateurs and professional on Facebook. Tips, links, examples, quotes, advices, short stories and real trading experience shared. Obviously you can find our trading main news on the finance page of …

Quotes on medicine

Quotes on medicine, aphorisms, ideas, thoughts, criticisms and humorous wits on doctors, medicine, drugs, health, illness, diseases and the medical art therapy A vigorous five mile walk will do more good for …

The London Marathon

The London Marathon, an article that explains the history of this kind of race, with its main protagonists, founders, sponsors, charities and cultural features. The marathon’s name and distance date back to …

Shakespeare dictionary

Shakespeare dictionary of aphoristic short quotes and literary definitions (part 1), from Absence to Fathers by English-Culture and Carl William Brown. All men who repeat a line from Shakespeare are William Shakespeare. …

Wellness best quotes

Wellness best quotes, aphorisms and ideas to discover the true meaning and essence of living in a good state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Health is a state of complete …

100 wonderful quotes

100 wonderful quotes and aphorisms by famous and great authors and writers to help improving your ideas and thoughts, to inspire and motivate your behavior. Why is every silence sacred? Because the …

100 admirable quotes

100 admirable quotes and aphorisms by famous and great authors and writers to help improving your ideas and thoughts, to inspire and motivate your behavior, to foster your critical abilities. The only …