Daimon Club Story

Daimon Club story, a synthetic article about the origin of our club based on Daimon principle , an inner force and passion, a mixture of desires and aspirations. Each life is formed …

Daimon Club Strategy

Daimon Club strategy, a short article that presents our cultural mission, links to our organization and our global marketing Strategy, goals and projects. A good partnership must be useful and profitable not …

Health and Fitness

Health and Fitness News, quotes, and press feed with some useful tips and advices to keep fit, in a good mood and in a healthy body to tackle with modern life. Physical …

Daimon Blog Strategy

Daimon Blog Strategy means “Weblog creativity, sharing online diary for special people”. This is Daimon Club mission, to share the ethics of free knowledge. If you think that blogs and bloggers are …

The teachings of Plato

The teachings of Plato, originality of his works, myths, methods, ideas, forms, thoughts, education, ethics, morals and art of his great everlasting philosophy. To do philosophy correctly consists in not choosing the …