Independence Day

Independence Day of the American Nation, History, Celebrations, Curiosities, Quotes and Cultural Traditions. The United States of America is celebrating its 248th birthday on Thursday, July 4th, 2024. Those who deny freedom …

Independence Day Quotes

Independence Day Quotes, Aphorisms, Ideas and Thoughts by Famous Authors, Writers and Politicians on the American Independence Day holiday and celebrations. It was that which gave promise that in due time the …

Hiv world news

Hiv world news, information, news, quotes and article about HIV and infectious deseases with updated links resources, news feed by 27-7 press release and blog. World AIDS Day, 1 December, serves …

Marketing Quotes

Marketing quotes, aphorisms, ideas, criticisms, news and strategies about one of the most important activity in the world of international commerce and trading. The true language of commerce is the natural conversation …

Marketing basics

Marketing basics, English for business language through short, useful and pragmatic summaries. The American Dream never really existed. It was a marketing scam. James Altucher In marketing you must choose between boredom, …