Global Language and World Culture
Carl William Brown Quotes (Part 4)

Carl William Brown Quotes (Part 4)

Carl William Brown Quotes and aphorisms
Carl William Brown Quotes and aphorisms

Carl William Brown Quotes Part 4, various quotes, ideas, opinions, thoughts, aphorisms and wits, by Carl William Brown, the Daimon Club literary avenger, founder of the Daimonology new didactic philosophy.

The real basis for all other criticism, it’s not the “religion critique” as Marx believed, but the criticism of stupidity.
Carl William Brown

Man is certainly the most disgusting kind of worm that has ever crawled on this stupid ugly planet.
Carl William Brown via Jonathan Swift

To be motivated you have to find a goal, pursue a goal, stimulate desire, cultivate passion and not just think about satisfying your physiological needs, and filling the sewers.
Carl William Brown

A stone broke, busted, poor unemployed man was asking himself if economics might be a strictly accurate science or not.
Carl William Brown

For a good artist both introspection and observation are fundamental rules.
Carl William Brown

A stupid bore is a guy who has nothing to say, and nonetheless says it anyway.
Carl William Brown

Unfortunately for our existence, the most logical thing in life is death.
Carl William Brown

Competition is global, stupidity is universal.
Carl William Brown

It’s a bit improbable to have good politicians when you have ignorant citizens and vice-versa.
Carl William Brown

Smart people don’t think the others are stupid. What’s more, they think they are brilliant, like that donkey that thought he was a horse.
Carl William Brown

A donkey can’t be a horse, even though he can believe it!
Carl William Brown

Sometimes students don’t like certain teaching methods, at the same time teachers are not always satisfied with their students’ learning strategies or capabilities!
Carl William Brown

He was really brilliant, clever and had a lot of imagination too, but unfortunately he was a donkey and thinking of being a horse wasn’t enough.
Carl William Brown

Perhaps religious fanaticism knows all the answers but it certainly can’t ask intelligent questions!
Carl William Brown

My mother gave me life and when she died she also took it away, so spirits and memories are the only things left.
Carl William Brown

You might be the lamb or perhaps you should be the tiger, so what about destroying in order to create. I am a very mild, quiet, peaceful and meek man of literature, a very kind and gentle “dramatis persona”, but my character can express whatever he wants, that’s why I tell you: “When they ask for your votes, you should answer with your bullets!”. Otherwise you might also decide to be more polite, but in this case remember that in the end you will be sacrificed and probably even crucified.
Carl William Brown

Carl William Brown A futuristic and surrealistic thinker is an artist who can enjoy both the deep sorrow of the real death in life and the feeble pleasure of an unreal life in death.
Carl William Brown

When the balance is broken then everything includes itself in power, power into will, will into appetite. So appetite, aided by will and power, becomes a universal wolf, at last eating up itself.
Carl William Brown

Daimonology is reconcreted on the threshold of the third millennium and marks the way for the advent of the Daimon Age, an era in which, as usual, the global harmony of universal existence will continue to be vainly pursued.
Carl William Brown

A great number of people talk too much, but pragmatically act too little, and if they try, they can only do stupid and dangerous things. Any reference to Italian politicians are quite imaginary and clearly unreal.
Carl William Brown

Man is the only animal for whom his own stupid existence is a problem which he has to try in vain to solve.
Carl William Brown via Eric Fromm

Money management is the only strategy to survive in this crazy, stupid and doped financial world market.
Carl William Brown

The tragic parable of life: we are born alone, we die alone, but in the middle unfortunately we have to meet a great quantity of assholes!
Carl William Brown

Humble, stupid and rich people usually vote for excellent and marvellous stupid politicians, so that they can get more satisfaction.
Carl William Brown

Daimonology was born primarily to try to investigate and above all alleviate the most paradoxical aspects of the absurd and dogmatic existential contradictions.
Carl William Brown

Carl William Brown Quotes

(Part 1)   (Part 2)

(Part 3)   (Part 4)

(Part 5)   (Part 6)

(Part 7)   (Part 8)

C.W. Brown reflections

C.W. Brown Italian Website

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