Carl William Brown Quotes (Part 2), aphorisms, ideas, witty remarks, quotations and short thoughts by the literary revenger for the world of English blog.
In order to be a writer, first you must become an alive dead spirit.
Carl William Brown
On social media I follow several individuals (politicians, journalists, critics, influencers and various personalities) mostly to study human imbecility, not that I’m actually one of their fans.
Carl William Brown
We are super-errors, yes, we are the predestined melancholic and sad thinkers of the cosmic bad luck!
Carl William Brown
A futuristic and surrealistic thinker is an artist who can enjoy both the deep sorrow of the real death in life and the feeble pleasure of an unreal life in death.
Carl William Brown
When the balance is broken then everything includes itself in power, power into will, will into appetite. So appetite, aided by will and power, becomes a universal wolf, at last eating up itself.
Carl William Brown
Philosophy meant as love for knowledge englobes all the sciences and is therefore their fascinating mother. Daimonology, however, goes further and begins where knowledge ends.
Carl William Brown
Daimonology is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary speculation that owes its birth to the genius and its dissemination to the new surrealist, nihilistic and humorist movement and naturally to the creative craftsmen and philosophers of the Daimon Club.
Carl William Brown
A great number of people talk too much, but pragmatically act too little, and if they try, they can only do stupid and dangerous things. Any reference to Italian politicians are quite imaginary and clearly unreal.
Carl William Brown
Man is the only animal for whom his own stupid existence is a problem which he has to try in vain to solve.
Carl William Brown via Eric Fromm
Money management is the only strategy to survive in this crazy, stupid and doped financial world market.
Carl William Brown
Humble, stupid and rich people usually vote for excellent and marvellous stupid politicians, so that they can get more satisfaction.
Carl William Brown
Whoever can’t recognize stupidity at a glance is stupid, and a stupid can’t fight stupidity.
Carl William Brown
Stupidity is the only art that permanently truly exists.
Carl William Brown
Our little planet earth is nothing else but an intergalactic school of stupidity. Anyway if you want to choose the best University for a master or a PhD come to Italy.
Carl William Brown
I don’t know if the human race is human, but certainly it’s stupid.
Carl William Brown
The three enemies of human happiness are pain, stupidity and boredom.
Carl William Brown
The human race is not wicked, but it is stupid, and that’s even worse! Dire straits !!!!
Carl William Brown
How can it be that when I wake up in the morning I often think of my first ideal adolescent impossible love and I still remember vividly that gentle little blonde girl of thirty five years ago? Here is once again an evident proof of the existence of stupidity.
Carl William Brown
Only the insane have strength enough to survive. Only the survivors determine what is sane.
Carl William Brown
Daimonology is the discourse on genius, it is genius that questions itself and globality, it is a synthesis of the universal nothingness. It is the coincidentia oppositorum of pain and joy. It is the end of every principle.
Carl William Brown
Too much bad writing and too many banal deeds in struggle with too few creative thoughts and too few good actions. By the way, what’s the difference between fair and foul.
Carl William Brown
Stupidity is everywhere, so it is extremely difficult to destroy it. That’s why first of all we must observe and find out more, point it out and denounce it.
Carl William Brown
Life is nothing but a bet that in the end everyone is doomed to lose. So you’d better get used!
Carl William Brown
Life is an extremely sorrowful experience, completely useless.
Carl William Brown
Trading is more or less like betting or gambling, but only without the pleasure show of the game.
Carl William Brown
Carl William Brown Quotes