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Great quotes on love

Great quotes on love

Great quotes on love
Great quotes on love

Great quotes on love. I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.
Martin Luther King Jr.

Heroic love is the property of those superior natures who are called insane (insano) not because they do not know, but because they over-know (soprasanno).
Giordano Bruno

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.
Martin Luther King Jr.

The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed.
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Love is the answer, but while you are waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions.
Woody Allen

Miserable is that love that needs words to express itself.
Carl William Brown

At the beginning and at the end of love, the two lovers are embarrassed to find themselves alone.
Jean De La Bruyere

Oh, love isn’t there to make us happy. I believe it exists to show us how much we can endure.
Hermann Hesse

One seeks to make the loved one entirely happy, or, if that cannot be, entirely wretched.
Jean De La Bruyere

To be among people one loves, that’s sufficient; to dream, to speak to them, to be silent among them, to think of indifferent things; but among them, everything is equal.
Jean De La Bruyere

If you are really interested in this topic and you want more quotes you can also download and read this book of Quotes and aphorisms on Love Edited by Carl William Brown

Quotes on love
Quotes on love

We can recognize the dawn and the decline of love by the uneasiness we feel when alone together.
Jean De La Bruyere

If we are to judge of love by its consequences, it more nearly resembles hatred than friendship.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

It is with true love as it is with ghosts; everyone talks about it, but few have seen it.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

Love is to the soul of him who loves, as what the soul is to the body that it animates.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

Love of glory, fear of shame, greed for fortune, the desire to make life agreeable and comfortable, and the wish to depreciate others – all of these are often the causes of the bravery that is spoken so highly of by men.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

Love, like fire, cannot continue to exist without continual motion; both cease to live so soon as they cease to hope or to fear.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

Lovers do not wish to see the faults of their mistresses until their enchantment is at an end.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Where both deliberate, the love is slight: Who ever lov’d, that lov’d not at first sight?
Christopher Marlowe

Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?
Christopher Marlowe

Now matter how many discoveries we make in the vast regions of self-love, undiscovered regions still remain there.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

Self-love either increases or diminishes our measure of the good qualities of our friends, and does so in proportion to the satisfaction we feel with them; and we judge their virtue by way they act towards us.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

The more one loves a mistress, the more one is ready to hate her.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

There are few people who are not ashamed of their love affairs when the infatuation is over.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

There are more people without self-love than there are without envy.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

There are very few people who are not ashamed of having been in love when they no longer love each other.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

True love is like a ghost: everyone speaks of it, but few have seen it.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

We are nearer loving those who hate us than those who love us more than we wish.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

We can love nothing except what we base on our own selves, and when we prefer our friends to ourselves, we are just following our own taste or pleasure. Nevertheless, it is only by that preference that friendship can be true and perfect.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

We love those who admire us, but not those whom we admire.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

We often persuade ourselves to love people who are more powerful than we are; yet it is self-interest alone that produces the friendship. We do not give our hearts away for the good we wish to do to them], but for what good we expect to receive from them.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

What makes lovers never tire of one another is that they talk always about themselves.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

When we are tired of loving, we are quite content if our mistress should become faithless, since it loosens us from our responsibility of fidelity.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

Whether life is worth living depends on whether there is love in life.
R. D. Laing

To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic.
Alphonse De Lamartine

The snow goose need not bathe to make itself white. Neither need you do anything but be yourself.

Great quotes on love
Great quotes on love

I shall always be a priest of love.
D. H. Lawrence

Love is the flower of life, and blossoms unexpectedly and without law, and must be plucked where it is found, and enjoyed for the brief hour of its duration.
D. H. Lawrence

I no longer know if I wish to drown myself in love, wodka or the sea.
Franz Kafka

My God, these folks don’t know how to love — that’s why they love so easily.
D. H. Lawrence

Gentleness is stronger than severity, water is stronger than rock, love is stronger than force.
Herman Hesse

Friendship, love, education, solidarity are all values that take on more value if there is even a little money.
Carl William Brown

The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man.
Charles Darwin

The world is wonderful and beautiful and good beyond one’s wildest imagination. Never, never, never could one conceive what love is, beforehand, never. Life can be great — quite god-like. It can be so. God be thanked I have proved it.
D. H. Lawrence

To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another.
Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibniz

The only thing we can never get enough of is love. And the only thing we never give enough of is love.
Henry Miller

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.
George Moore

Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear.
John Lennon

We’ve got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can’t just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it’s going to get on by itself. You’ve got to keep watering it. You’ve got to really look after it and nurture it.
John Lennon

What is love? It is the morning and the evening star.
Sinclair Lewis

Great passions, my dear, don’t exist: they’re liars fantasies. What do exist are little loves that may last for a short or a longer while.
Anna Magnani

The pain of leaving those you grow to love is only the prelude to understanding yourself and others.
Shirley MacLaine

Love means the body, the soul, the life, the entire being. We feel love as we feel the warmth of our blood, we breathe love as we breathe air, we hold it in ourselves as we hold our thoughts. Nothing more exists for us.
Guy de Maupassant

The love boat has crashed against the everyday.
Vladimir Mayakovsky

Love is all you need.
Paul McCartney

Love is an emotion that is based on an opinion of women that is impossible for those who have had any experience with them.
H. L. Mencken

I have always distinctly separated love from sex, and for this reason I am also more than convinced that a man can rarely be faithful, physically speaking.
Carl William Brown

Love is the delusion that one man or woman differs from another.
H. L. Mencken

Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.
H. L. Mencken

To be in love is merely to be in a perpetual state of anesthesia.
H. L. Mencken

These two imparadised in one another’s arms, the happier Eden, shall enjoy their fill of bliss on bliss.
John Milton

Do not think that love in order to be genuine has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.
Mother Teresa

I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.
Mother Teresa

I try to give to the poor people for love what the rich could get for money. No, I wouldn’t touch a leper for a thousand pounds; yet I willingly cure him for the love of God.
Mother Teresa

If we want a love message to be heard, it has to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.
Mother Teresa

In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love
Mother Teresa

Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.
Mother Teresa

Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do… but how much love we put in that action.
Mother Teresa

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand.
Mother Teresa

Love is a state in which a man sees things most decidedly as the are not.
Friedrich Nietzsche

The spiritualization of sensuality is called love: it is a great triumph over Christianity.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
Anais Nin

To an ordinary human being, love means nothing if it does not mean loving some people more than others.
George Orwell

No woman marries for money; they are all clever enough, before marrying a millionaire, to fall in love with him first.
Cesare Pavese

When we are in love we seem to ourselves quite different from what we were before.
Blaise Pascal

Great quotes and aphorisms on love
Great quotes and aphorisms on love

The search for a new personality is futile; what is fruitful is the human interest the old personality can take in new activities.
Cesare Pavese

At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.

Learn what you are and be such.

Love is a serious mental disease.

Love is the joy of the good, the wonder of the wise, the amazement of the Gods.

If you find someone you love in your life, then hang on to that love.
Princess Diana

I think the biggest disease the world suffers from in this day and age is the disease of people feeling unloved. I know that I can give love for a minute, for half an hour, for a day, for a month, but I can give. I am very happy to do that; I want to do that.
Princess Diana

I remember when I used to sit on hospital beds and hold people’s hands, people used to be shocked because they’d never seen this before. To me it was quite normal.
Princess Diana

I know that I can give love for a minute, for half an hour; for a day, for a month, but I can give and I’m very happy to do that and I want to do that.
Princess Diana

Everyone of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process, care for ourselves.
Princess Diana

There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.
Friedrich Nietzsche

An orange on the table, your dress on the rug, and you in my bed, sweet present of the present, cool of night, warmth of my life.
Jacques Prevert

In a separation it is the one who is not really in loved who says the more tender things.
Marcel Proust

Every love reveals us our will to live and create, but since ours is a destiny of death, even the noblest sentiment is nothing but a stupid illusion.
Carl William Brown

People who are not in love fail to understand how an intelligent man can suffer because of a very ordinary woman. This is like being surprised that anyone should be stricken with cholera because of a creature so insignificant as the comma bacillus.
Marcel Proust

He [Freud] often said three things were impossible to fulfill completely; healing, education, governing. He limited his goals in analytic treatment to brining the patient to the point where he could work for a living and learn to love.
Theodor Reik

The man who has never made a fool of himself in love will never be wise in love.
Theodor Reik

Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.
Jules Renard

A woman who could always love would never grow old; and the love of mother and wife would often give or preserve many charms if it were not too often combined with parental and conjugal anger. There remains in the face of women who are naturally serene and peaceful, and of those rendered so by religion, an after-spring, and later an after-summer, the reflex of their most beautiful bloom.
Jean Paul Richter

For one human being to love another that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks.
Rainer Maria Rilke

This is the miracle that happens every time to those who really love; the more they give, the more they possess.
Rainer Maria Rilke

Love consists in this, that two solitudes protect and touch and greet each other.
Rainer Maria Rilke

I believe that love is the greatest thing in the world, that it alone can overcome hate and that right can and will triumph over might.
John D. Rockefeller

No man is defeated without until he has first been defeated within.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Remember always that you have not only the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.
Eleanor Roosevelt

The value of love will always be stronger than the value of hate.. Any nation or group of nations which employs hatred eventually is torn to pieces by hatred…
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Love shall be our token; love be yours and love be mine.
Christina Rossetti

Our affections as well as our bodies are in perpetual flux.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

True love means simply taking care of our humanity
Carl William Brown

Many people when they fall in love look for a little haven of refuge from the world, where they can be sure of being admired when they are not admirable, and praised when they are not praiseworthy.
Bertrand Russell

The root of the matter… the thing I mean… is love, Christian love, or compassion. If you feel this, you have a motive for existence, a guide for action, a reason for courage, an imperative necessity for intellectual honesty.
Bertrand Russell

Love is not just looking at each other, it’s looking in the same direction.
Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.
Antoine De Saint-Exupery

I regard as a mortal sin not only the lying of the senses in matters of love, but also the illusion which the senses seek to create where love is only partial. I say, I believe, that one must love with all of one’s being, or else live, come what may, a life of complete chastity.
George Sand

There is only one happiness in life — to love and to be loved.
George Sand

The lover knows much more about absolute good and universal beauty than any logician or theologian, unless the latter, too, be lovers in disguise.
George Santayana

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety. Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies.
William Shakespeare

Great aphorisms and quotes on love
Great aphorisms and quotes on love

But love is blind, and lovers cannot see What petty follies they themselves commit
William Shakespeare

For by his face straight shall you know his heart.
William Shakespeare

We have preached good and love for millennia and look at how we are reduced, maybe if we start preaching evil, things will improve.
Carl William Brown

Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments. Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove.
William Shakespeare

Love bears it out even to the edge of doom.
William Shakespeare

Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs. Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers eyes. Being vexed, a sea nourished with lovers tears. What is it else? A madness most discreet, a choking gall and a preserving sweet.
William Shakespeare

Love is too young to know what conscience is.
William Shakespeare

Love sought is good, but given unsought is better.
William Shakespeare

Men have died from time to time, and worms have eaten them, but not for love.
William Shakespeare

My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep. The more I give thee, the more I have, For both are infinite
William Shakespeare

Self-love, is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting.
William Shakespeare

She’s gone. I am abused, and my relief must be to loathe her.
William Shakespeare

The course of true love never did run smooth.
William Shakespeare

They do not love that do not show their love. The course of true love never did run smooth. Love is a familiar. Love is a devil. There is no evil angel but Love.
William Shakespeare

To say the truth, reason and love keep little company together now-a-days.
William Shakespeare

We that are true lovers run into strange capers.
William Shakespeare

When Love speaks, the voice of all the gods makes heaven drowsy with the harmony.
William Shakespeare

Fond as we are of our loved ones, there comes at times during their absence an unexplained peace.
Anna Howard Shaw

First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity: no really self-respecting woman would take advantage of it.
George Bernard Shaw

Love is free; to promise for ever to love the same woman is not less absurd than to promise to believe the same creed; such a vow in both cases excludes us from all inquiry.
Percy Bysshe Shelley

All love is sweet, Given or returned. Common as light is love, And its familiar voice wearies not ever. They who inspire us most are fortunate, As I am now: but those who feel it most Are happier still.
Percy Bysshe Shelley

True love in this differs from gold and clay, That to divide is not to take away.
Percy Bysshe Shelley

The hottest love has the coldest end.

When desire, having rejected reason and overpowered judgment which leads to right, is set in the direction of the pleasure which beauty can inspire, and when again under the influence of its kindred desires it is moved with violent motion towards the beauty of corporeal forms, it acquires a surname from this very violent motion, and is called love.

One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life; that word is love.

Love is life’s end, but never ending. Love is life’s wealth, never spent, but ever spending. Love’s life’s reward, rewarded in rewarding.
Herbert Spencer

God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.
St. Augustine

Love is the beauty of the soul.
St. Augustine

Love, and do what you like.
St. Augustine

What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like.
St. Augustine

What I needed most was to love and to be loved, eager to be caught. Happily I wrapped those painful bonds around me; and sure enough, I would be lashed with the red-hot pokers of jealousy, by suspicions and fear, by bursts of anger and quarrels.
St. Augustine

Let no one believe that he has received the divine kiss, if he knows the truth without loving it or loves it without understanding it. But blessed is that kiss whereby not only is God recognized but also the Father is loved; for there is never full knowledge without perfect love.
St. Bernard

Love seeks no cause beyond itself and no fruit; it is its own fruit, its own enjoyment. I love because I love; I love in order that I may love.
St. Bernard

Love is the emblem of eternity; it confounds all notion of time; effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end.
Anne Germain De Stael

Famous quotes and aphorisms on love
Famous quotes and aphorisms on love

Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end.
Anne Germain De Stael

Love is the whole history of a woman’s life, it is but an episode in a man’s.
Anne Germain De Stael

We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.
Anne Germain De Stael

Nothing has happened today except kindness.
Gertrude Stein

Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.
Oscar Wilde

He only may chastise who loves.
Rabindranath Tagore

He who wants to do good knocks at the gate; he who loves finds the gate open.
Rabindranath Tagore

Let my love like sunlight surround you, yet give you illumined freedom.
Rabindranath Tagore

We live in the world when we love it.
Rabindranath Tagore

Who is wise in love, love most, say least.
Lord Alfred Tennyson

‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Lord Alfred Tennyson

If by love we mean loving one person and hating many others at the same time, then we haven’t understood much.
Carl William Brown

Love is the only gold.
Lord Alfred Tennyson

Be gentle to all and stem with yourself.
St. Teresa of Avila

It is certainly a strange type of love that is spread among the human species, it makes you love one person, but it makes you hate many others at the same time.
Carl William Brown

It is here, my daughters, that love is to be found — not hidden away in corners but in the midst of occasions of sin. And believe me, although we may more often fail and commit small lapses, our gain will be incomparably the greater.
St. Teresa of Avila

To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best.
William M. Thackeray

Love must be as much a light, as it is a flame.
Henry David Thoreau

Misfortunes occur only when a man is false… Events, circumstances, etc., have their origin in ourselves. They spring from seeds which we have sown.
Henry David Thoreau

There is no remedy for love than to love more.
Henry David Thoreau

Love is the strange bewilderment that overtakes one person on account of another person.
James Thurber

Love is the strange bewilderment that overtakes one person on account of another person.
James Thurber

The feelings of love and passion are well-known to be irrational and coincidentally they are typical of man.
Carl William Brown

Love is what you’ve been through with somebody.
James Thurber

I believe that the reason of life is for each of us simply to grow in love.
Count Leo Tolstoy

We do not love people so much for the good they have done us, as for the good we have done them.
Count Leo Tolstoy

For it is the suffering flesh, it is suffering, it is death, that lovers perpetuate upon the earth. Love is at once the brother, son, and father of death, which is its sister, mother, and daughter. And thus it is that in the depth of love there is a depth of eternal despair, out of which springs hope and consolation.
Miguel De Unamuno

It is sad not to be loved, but it is much sadder not to be able to love.
Miguel De Unamuno

As Plato sometimes speaks of the divine love, it arises not out of indigency, as created love does, but out of fullness and redundancy; it is an overflowing fountain, and that love which descends upon created being is a free efflux from the almighty source of love; and it is well pleasing to him that those creatures which he hath made should partake of it.
Author Unknown

Know the self to be sitting in the chariot, the body to be the chariot, the intellect the charioteer, and the mind the reins.
Veda Upanishads

Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence.
Vincent Van Gogh

The church has always preached “love of your neighbor” but I have not seen all this love all around.
Carl William Brown

The best way to know God is to love many things.
Vincent Van Gogh

The more I think about it, the more I realize there is nothing more artistic than to love others.
Vincent Van Gogh

It is not love that should be depicted as blind, but self-love.
Francois-Marie Arouet de Voltaire

Love conquers all; let us surrender to Love.

Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination.
Francois-Marie Arouet de Voltaire

Self-love is the instrument of our preservation.
Francois-Marie Arouet de Voltaire

Fantasy love is much better than reality love. Never doing it is very exciting. The most exciting attractions are between two opposites that never meet.
Andy Warhol

A pity beyond all telling is hid in the heart of love.
William Butler Yeats

I dote on myself, there is that lot of me and all so luscious.
Walt Whitman

One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry.
Oscar Wilde

There is always something ridiculous about the emotions of people whom one has ceased to love.
Oscar Wilde

There’s nothing in the world like the devotion of a married woman. It’s a thing no married man knows anything about.
Oscar Wilde

When a man has once loved a woman, he will do anything for her, except continue to love her.
Oscar Wilde

When one is in love, one always begins by deceiving one’s self, and one always ends by deceiving others. That is what the world calls a romance.
Oscar Wilde

Yet each man kills the thing he loves. From all let this be heard: some do it with a bitter look, some with a flattering word. The coward does it with a kiss. the brave man with the sword.
Oscar Wilde

For love… has two faces; one white, the other black; two bodies; one smooth, the other hairy. It has two hands, two feet, two tails, two, indeed, of every member and each one is the exact opposite of the other. Yet, so strictly are they joined together that you cannot separate them.
Virginia Woolf

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